Use of space

The Library may be used for the following purposes: reading, research, school meetings, tutoring, work space for teachers, musical recitals, art display, and book club.

Visitors are expected to:

  • speak quietly and be considerate of others who are working;

  • not bring any food, gum or drinks, and

  • show care when using all library resources.

Use of computers

  • Library computers may be used to research the Internet and/or type a school related paper.

  • Students may not use the computers for watching videos, playing games, e-mailing, blogging, etc., unless required by the teacher.

  • Students are encouraged to use their personal school e-mail for all academic purposes.

Loan Policy

  •  No books or library materials may be brought out of the Library until the loan has been recorded.

  •  Students may loan only one book at a time and teacher may loan three.

  •  The loan period for books and library materials is two weeks.

  • Library materials on loan to one person may not be transferred to another. The person in whose name the loan is made is solely responsible for the safekeeping and due return of items loaned.

  • Library materials borrowed must be returned on or before the due date. Failure to do so will result in a fine of ยข 500 (five hundred colones) that will be charged per day for every late library material.

  • All borrowers must settle any overdue loans before they are permitted to borrow again.

  • The loss of a book is $25, for a video is $10, and for any other resource materials is $100.